IC 443 ( Jellyfish Nebula )
Data; Takahashi MT-160 with F=4.8 Reducer Camera; SBIG STL-11000M ( L,
Ha,G,B ) EM-200Temma2
self-guiding , L=10min X8, Ha= 15minX4, G=10minX1, B=10min X1 ( Ha, G,B
; 2X2 bining ) -20degree temperature
Soft-ware; Photoshop, Stella image7 Total; 160 min exposure No Trimming
Date; 10/Nov in 2018
Before taking this image, I thought that ( 35mm Full-size camera) will
be a little severe to MT-160 with Reducer.
However, the result was good. Of course, when I watch the stars in 4 screen
corners, star image is a little transformed.
If I say the ideal, APS-C size camera will be better, but as a appreciation
picture, I can say ; ( MT-160 with F=4.8 reducer is good even if anyone
use it with 35mm Full size camera.)
This reducer for MT-160 was released more than 30 years ago.(* at that
time, there was only 35mm film camera. No- existence such APS-C size camera)
( except cameras like
PENTAX 6X7 camera).
When I think consider it, this combination ( MT-160 with F=4.8 reducer
) can be said as ( Good! ).
The feature of MT-160 ( including MT-130, MT-200 ) is the Telescope which
can be used for 3 focal-length Telescopes( F=4.8 , 768mm/ F=6, 1000mm/
F-8, 1280mm ).
Each focal length ( F ) are for < Imaging, visual > . In other words,
MT-160 can be used for all using.
For example, Epsilon 160 has more sharp star image, but ( normally) Epsilon
can be used for imaging only. MT-160 is good for Planet ( viewing ).
When I think of it, this result was understood for me.
By the way , in this night ( when I took this image) , there was drop of
5 degree temperature from starting to end .
The tube of MT-160 is by iron. I have paid attention about the movement
of the focus position.... However, I felt almost no movement of the focus
( Of course, in theory, there must be a little movement of the focus position
during exposure.)
If the tube of MT-160 was made by aluminum, there must be bigger movement
of the focus position. At that case, I had to check focusing under photography
many times..
I think that Takahashi Telescopes including MT-series have all strong Focusers.
STL-11000M camera has very heavy weight.( about 2.5kg ~ ). However, ( like
Epsilon160) it was
perfectly no-problem.
When Takahashi released MT-160 ( in 1980's year) , there was only 35mm
size camera which is light weight. Now when I use such heavy weight camera
MT-160, I felt nothing bad with the focuser. < * for getting this image,
I didn't use the focusing system like Takahashi MEF-3 .I tried by t normal
focusing knob.>
Also, I have paid attention to the image of bright star ( the influence
from pole method spider and the method of main mirror), but when I watch
the bright star
image, it is beautiful . The pole spider has enough strength. Now, for
Epsilon130D, 180ED, Takahashi is adopting vane type spider. However I think
by pole type spider
, enough.< About this in the film age, we had to exposure ( sometimes)
for 1hour against 1 shot. Now, we need not such long exposure time for
each shots .It will be MAX; 15min.
As I look generally, I think that MT-160 has a nice performance for both
visual and imaging use .
MT-160 is a nice reflector which can be used in any use for everyone.
I can recommend MT-160 for everyone. 13/Nov in 2018 koji matsumoto < 14/Nov ,image reprocessed>
![](MT-160 with STL-small.jpg)
NGC891: Date; 10/Nov in 2018
Data; MT-160 with F=4.8 Reducer ,STL-11000M ( APS-C size changed ) L=10minX8,
R=G=B= 10minX1 ( R,G,B; 2X2 bining)
After all, for Galaxy, I think at least it will be needed 160mm Class Telescope
like MT-160
Updatedl 14/Nov in 2018